Field Research Company in Chennai

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Field Research Company in Pune

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Field Research Company in Mumbai

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Field Research Company in Bangalore

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Field Research Company in Gurugram

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Field Research Company in Noida

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Field Research Company in Delhi

India is developing nation and like any other developing nation a lot needs to be discovered in order to have the insights into future. Field Research is primarily helping marketers understand remotest of the markets to penetrate and operate with various government initiatives like startup India a new breed of startups are emerging in new India making it even more important for marketers to understand this new landscape of opportunity.


Field research or face to face research is fraught with challenges and only a well versed field agency can take away pain faced by the marketers to get quality data from field research. These challenges are primarily:

  • Non availability of trained manpower
  • Geographic spread of country
  • Different languages across country
  • Speed of data collection
  • Accuracy of responses gathered

Analysts are always eager to have data in a typical format which is not a strong point of field research which is where agencies like Damolekule Research & Analytics steps in to address all the above challenges as they have a robust process driven mechanism to counter these challenges in order to provide analysts with speed and accuracy of data collection

Leading market research

Key Ingredients of Field Research

Top Agency for market research in india

Research projects are often dismissed as too labor-intensive or time-consuming. But with proper planning, effective and efficient collaboration is possible. For consultants passing the work to a research team who is not familiar with client details, an easy-to-consult project brief and plan should include written protocols to:

  • Reiterate project brief
  • Clarify desired outcomes
  • Delineate task responsibilities
  • Confirm prioritization of tasks
  • Outline processes
  • List contact information for all involved parties
  • Set project benchmarks
  • Assign tasks
  • Provide examples of deliverables required
  • Break down tasks into phases with timeline requirements
  • Set communication standards for questions
  • Set check-in meetings for project updates

Those overseeing the project plan could assign the task to a generic position title or a qualifier akin to “available researcher at the time.” Assigning one person to a task can provide clarity, but it can also create a bottleneck. Assigning two people can create confusion about who is ultimately responsible. The best practice is to assign he most critical component of a research management plan is the scheduled work breakdown for each task. This information is often the central focus of a team’s agenda, yet they often lack the necessary specificity to prevent confusion. To ensure accuracy, include specific task instructions to account for the who, what, and when of each assignment as follows:

Who? - Naming specific individuals or research teams as responsible for the task is best practice.

a lead and a secondary whenever possible. This provides clarity along with accountability.
What? – Research project plans should reference the research methodology or methodologies employed. The Project may include any combination from quantitative data collection methods such as online surveys, microsurveys, or phone surveys to qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews. Each of these have their own set of best practices. Sourcing helpful guides can help provide detail and ensure the explicit needs of the project are fulfilled.
When? – Work plans delineate specific times to accomplish tasks (e.g., Wednesday, March 9 at 10:30 a.m.) or start and end dates. The more discrete the desired task duration, the better completion progress can be monitored. It may also help to designate a “reminder” date for tasks to keep track of impending deadlines. Project phases can also help group tasks together for completion within a set timeframe needed to keep the project on track.
Task assignment is another critical research component of an effective work plan. For every discrete task or task group, a specific team member should be designated as the responsible lead. While they may not complete all of the work, they are ultimately responsible for coordinating completion. Field interviews, survey programming, and reporting should be assigned to the appropriate parties who are experts in that field or methodology. In the end, compiling the data outcomes and communicating completion of each task is the job of that lead. Without clear accountability, even small challenges can disrupt project success.
Checks & Balances
Project managers should audit ongoing tasks while mid-process using periodic assessment and reporting. The aim is to ensure that “completed” tasks are inspected and completed as expected. This auditor can also help summarize the data assembled so far in an easy-to-reference report to show consistent progress. Keeping tabs during ongoing research means discovering fewer unexpected oversights once data collection is completed.
According to CEO of Damolekule Research & Analytics “Field research is a art and science which can be mastered only by consistently delivering projects which earns client respect and trust again and again for which robust processes must be put in order”.

Is Salt Consumption Bad for Your Health?

Most of us cannot imagine life without salt as during our day we eat lot of produce, which is not natural like chips, sausages, packaged food etc. The amount of salt which we intake thus is much larger than what is actually required and that too without our knowledge.

Salt is essential for Life

Salt is made up of chemical compound sodium chloride and our body needs sodium to regulate our water balance ensuring the proper function of our nerves, muscles and to drive digestion.
Body needs about 1 gm of salt to accomplish these tasks. In other words, if we practice moderation salt is healthy however the bad part is we all exceed our daily limit of salt intake which can make a good thing a bad one.

Survey Report of WHO

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the limit is a maximum of five grams of salt per day. That’s about one level teaspoon. Challenge here is that we exceed this set daily limit every day, and one needs to be aware of the limits in order to keep one self-healthy. Especially in some countries in east and central Asia, people consume too much salt. In China, the average salt consumption is around 10.9 grams per day — more than double the WHO limit.

Many European countries such as Germany, Portugal and Italy, as well as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, also exceed the daily guideline. The situation is similar in Latin America — particularly in Brazil, Colombia and Bolivia. Only a few African countries have healthy rates of salt consumption.

High Blood Pressure & Salt

But why does the WHO set this limit of five grams? Studies have shown that if this amount is exceeded, we start seeing negative health effects — especially on blood pressure.
That’s because salt bonds with water. This bonding causes the pressure in our tissues to rise, which can increase blood pressure and lead to a higher risk of stroke or heart attack.

Salt however is not the only reason why people suffer from High Blood Pressure there can be many other reasons such as obesity, lack of exercise, poor dietary habits etc. Furthermore not everyone is salt sensitive as per research only about 1/3rd of population is salt sensitive which means salt consumption has a direct impact on their blood pressure.

With a simple blood test you can find out if you belong to sensitive to salt category or not although this test may be expensive in many countries. People who are not sensitive to salt should also focus on reducing salt intake or should take salt as per daily limit if they do not want to suffer health issues.

Impact on Kidneys

When salt consumption is very high, our kidneys become consumed by the act of excreting the excessive salt. Too much salt also affects the gut microbiome. The number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, while the number of so-called Th17 helper cells in the blood increases. Researchers assume that this interaction causes inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Along with increasing the risk of stomach cancer and bone loss (osteoporosis), salt can even contribute to obesity — it stimulates the appetite, beckoning us to keep eating even when we aren’t hungry anymore.

Salt & its Impact on human life

The WHO estimates that if the entire world population reduced its salt consumption to five grams per day, around 2.5 million deaths caused by strokes and heart attacks could be prevented per year

Steps to reduce Salt Intake

1. Watch out for hidden Salt – 75% of salt is hidden in convenience products that contain lot of hidden salt such as chips, snacks, precooked meals.
2. Use of Herbs – Instead of using salt to flavor try using herbs to give flavor to your food
3. Read the Labels – When buying packaged products watch out and read labels carefully to understand what is going in your body.
4. Reduce it slow – If you are already consuming high salt you cannot reduce it overnight go with a plan and follow it through it is more of habit change than anything

In the end we all need salt however it should be in prescribed quantity and exceeding that quantity once in a while is fine however if it continues over a period of time negative consequences await you and good thing is it is a matter of habit which can be learnt and adopted for lifetime to lead a healthier life.

Buyer Persona

What is Buyer Persona?

Buyer persona is a ideal customer who is going to buy your product or service which makes them really important in marketing which is why every marketer is interested in understanding what their days are like, the challenges and how they make decisions

It is very common to have multiple buyer personas for a business – for example if there are multiple people involved in making a purchase decision each individual involved in that decision is a separate person. They will have different way of evaluating your product /service and you would need to strategize accordingly.

Buyer personas help ensure that all activities involved in acquisition and servicing your customers are well targeted to buyer’s needs.

When choosing a product or service people gravitate towards businesses they know and trust while this may sound simple it is not which is why every marketer must try and achieve this by showing genuine understanding and concern for the other person – in this case customers. Gaining trust in business requires a subtle, but important shift in which business is presented and at first instance you should be able to show your potential customers that you get them by addressing their pain areas and only then will be exploring you further.

How are buyer Personas Used?

In-depth questions are required to be asked about your ideal customers an exercise like this helps you notice things you have missed or would have missed earlier.

Comparison of your answers alongside your colleagues will help measure any inconsistencies and gaps in your perspectives and foster productive discussions around them. All departments within your organisation can then work with the persona collectively instead just marketing focussing on it which is a great advantage from organisations stand point.

Work Direction can be one super advantage of creating buyer persona for example

To craft a persona, you first need to ask yourself in-depth questions about your ideal customers, and this exercise alone will help you notice things you hadn’t before.

You can then compare your answers with those of your colleagues – this will unearth any inconsistencies in your perspectives and foster discussions to resolve them.

So, one of the immediate benefits of a buyer persona is that it helps you gain customer insights and cross-departmental alignment. This will ensure that marketing, sales, product development and customer support all have the same view of your ideal customer.

You can then use your personas to guide the direction of your work. For instance:

Customer support team can better service customers if they have clear view of buyer persona

Marketing can better target advertisements and other communication to present it to right customer

Sales can better pitch the product or service

New product development can build better product roadmaps

How do I create buyer persona for my business?

You can create buyer persona in 5 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Research your target audience. The first step is to do a little research. ...
  • Step 2: Narrow down the most common details. ...
  • Step 3: Create separate personas. ...
  • Step 4: Give your personas names and a story. ...
  • Step 5: Create your marketing strategy.

Apart from above you can also do listing of their fears or negative information to create a more detailed buyer persona


Buyer personas are research-based profiles that represent your target audience and can help you adapt key aspects of your sales and support for greater success. Clarifying the types of people who benefit from your solutions and the challenges you help them solve, is critical to your efforts to attract and retain customers.

– Amy Wright @SocialAmyW

Habits which help to Reduce Stress

Healthcare Research

Covid -19 has been overwhelming for hospital systems world over even the most developed nations faced the deluge of patients they never planned for causing multiple people to die as hospitals were not available. One thing top of every mind during and after pandemic is how can I stay safe?.
Question here is how we stay grounded at this time? And how do we help our families to do the same? Damolekule Research has been instrumental in working with various agencies to find out what can help here in current times as well as in the future to come. A total of 10000 surveys across different countries and regions were carried out sending out online invitation to participate to healthy, ailing and extremely fit individuals to find out according to them which top 3 habits formation can help them with staying fit during these times and times to come. These habits are as below:

Setting up Intention

Bring in the focus every morning when you wake up first thing you should be working on think about your intention for the day. What will be the main theme of my entire day. It not only helps you to prioritize but also puts you at the steering wheel. Often it feels like dragging but trust me it really helps you to beat the stress. Your intention might be to focus on your job and make a dent in a project, or perhaps it’s self-care and making calls for doctors’ appointments. Recently, my intentions have been to make progress on a project at work and to be present for my kids. Having a focus or intention helps me have a North Star for the day so I don’t get stuck mentally.


Our second priority or daily task is to find 15-30 minutes for physical activity, preferably outdoors. This is because exercise is not only good for our physical health, but it can help our mental and emotional well-being too. If you can do it outside and be in the sun, that is definitely a bonus — sunshine is thought to release serotonin, a hormone that helps mood and focus. Taking a break from your work for even a 15-minute walk can leave you more energized, ultimately helping your mood and productivity. I often go on my stationary bike just for 15 minutes with my fave play list, and I can feel a boost from it.


My third ritual is at the end of the day. And this is to take a moment and just list 1-2 things that I am truly grateful for. I try to be as specific as possible — this takes more thought, and I find that the extra effort pays off. Think about what it is and why you are grateful for it. For example, yesterday, I was very grateful for my room. That sounds trivial, but it isn’t — my room feels like a sanctuary to me, a space where I can think and be creative. Feeling grateful for your home, family, health, or a friend helps us shift from stressed out and negative to a more positive perspective. And this can help our emotional stress levels, especially during this pandemic.

Try these habits on daily basis to beat the stress and stay healthy and if you still have medical issues or conditions do not hesitate to connect with doctor to help diagnose the real problem to provide you with correct medications and help. Do not google your symptoms and do self medication as it only worsens the condition you might be in or you may get into situation more grave than it is already.